
The Expressive.

Entry level desk 25mm desktop MFC colour decors

A range of beautiful colour desk tops, for those people who love to express themselves.


The Naturalist.

Mid-level desk 25mm desktop MFC wood decors

A range of beautiful wood desk tops, for those people who love natures beauty.


The Smooth Operator.

High-level desk 19mm desktop Perfect sense matt finish

A range of ultra smooth touch desk tops, for those cool cats and smooth criminals out there.


The Perfectionist.

Premium-level desk 6mm solid surface bonded onto 18mm plywood

A range of solid surface and real plywood desk tops, for those who strive for perfection.

Contact us


Complete Ergonomic
For Employee
Comfort Health & Well-being!

Your Gateway to Business Success!


Why Act_ive De_sk

“Are you tired of watching afternoon productivity levels plummet as your team struggles with discomfort and fatigue at their desks? Are you sick of employee absenteeism? Are you searching for a solution that not only boosts productivity but also prioritizes the health & well-being of your employees? Look no further Act_ive De_sk is here to instantly boost your business and employee’s performance, while keeping your employees healthy and happy at work!.”

Here is Why You Should
Consider Purchasing
Our  Sit Stand Desks… ⇓

Enhanced Productivity.

Wipe Away Those Afternoon Slumps.

Are you fed up with the lack of motivation you are getting from your team?
Had enough of those afternoon slumps? Act_ive De_sk helps you boost
productivity levels by incorporating movement into your team’s workday,
this helps combat productivity drains by keeping your team engaged, energized
and thinking sharper!

Say goodbye to waking people up and say hello to peak performance!



Healthier Employees.

Health is Your Key to Success.

Is your business suffering from employee absenteeism? Do some
employees complain of back, shoulder, or neck pain? Every time an
employee is absent it costs your business an average of £237 per day!

Act_ive De_sk can alleviate this pain by helping employees move
postures throughout the day, thereby reducing the negative impact
prolonged sitting is having on your employees’ health and well-being
and your business success.

Don’t keep throwing your money down the drain, invest in your employees
now before it is too late!

Happier Employees.

Stay For A Lot, Lot Longer!

Have your employees lost their spark? Do you walk around the office
sometimes thinking it could be a morgue?! Well, fear not, by investing in
an Act_ive De_sk, your employees will instantly feel livelier, happier, and
more alert to get the job done.

Create a dynamic, positive, and uplifting work environment where your
team feels valued, supported, and motivated to perform at their best.!
Investing in the well-being of your employees demonstrates your commitment
to their success and happiness.

Employees will want to work for you and jumping ship will come less often!


Quality Meets Affordability.

Limited Budget, No Problem!

Are you still on the fence about balancing the stand-up versus sit-down
cost? Are you thinking that sit-stand desks are just an expensive fashion
accessory and only for senior management?

Act_ive De_sk offers unmatched value without sacrificing quality. By
purchasing an Act_ive De_sk you’ll enjoy commercial quality at unbeatable
pricing, enabling you to provide ALL your employees with a sit-stand desk.

Why settle for a static desk that breaks your employee’s back, and costs you
big time on the loss of days, productivity, and morale, when you could have an
Act_ive De_sk for a fraction more.

Short-term investment is a long-term gain for everyone!




Unmatched Customization.

Keep Your Colours Flying!

Are you fed up with spending 1000s on office furniture to realize that
the designers have forgotten to spark some creativity into the open plan
environment? Well, don’t blame the designers blame the manufacturers
with their bland colour pallet.

Unlike larger manufacturers who have multiple product lines and therefore
only offer limited finishes, or single focus allows us seamless customization
without the price tag. Choose from a variety of finishes and tailor sit-stand
desks to meet specific needs. You can easily match your unique vision for your
workspace, and bring your open plan to life!

Standout from the crowd let you brand shine!



Reuse, Reduce and Sustain.

Saving Our Environment One Desk at a Time!

Are you worried about the environmental impact when upgrading your
office desks? Most office desks can be either taken away and re-used,
recycled, or refurbished, leaving little impact on our environment.

If you want to upgrade from static desks to sit stand desks, our recycle and
reuse offer may be for you. We can recycle your existing steel static frames
re-use your existing desktops, and supply sit-stand frames and cable management.
Saving you money and the environment!





Delivery & Install.

21 Days Delivery and Install Guaranteed!

Are you in a rush to get the job done? Sick of waiting 6-10 weeks for
furniture to arrive and be installed? Our lean operation and minimal
product line allow for greater agility and quicker response times. No
more waiting until the cows come home, you can be assured of efficient
service and quick delivery, meeting your demands with speed and precision.

We are experts at installing Act_ive De_sk, so say goodbye to messy cables
and long lead times! And in the event of a freak delay, for Every 3 days we
are late we give you a desk for free!



“Are you ready to take your business, performance, and employees into the 21st century? Do you want to Uplift your working conditions, to get smarter, healthier, and happier employees? Or still sticking with the back-breaking static desk and reaping the consequences somewhere down the line when it’s too late?..


Claim Your FREE Trial Desk
No-Obligation To Purchase
(2 week loan period)

We Had People Suffering With Bad Backs!

Excellent value, great design, speed of installation and immediate positive impact!

Will Lewis

Looks And Value For Money!

The end result was amazing and my entire team have commented favorably on their look, quiet movement and modern look and feel our office now has. I myself was on the fence, but I wouldn’t hesitate now!

Derek Knowles
Operations Director

We were surprised by the increased energy levels and productivity!

Increased collaboration by people being on their feet more, and the cost and quality was amazing!

Phil Thompson

Thank You For Revolutionizing Our Workplace!..

Active Desk has truly transformed our office environment! Their electric stand-up desks are not only of exceptional quality but also offered at a competitive price!

Cameron Watson


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