
The Expressive.

Entry level desk 25mm desktop MFC colour decors

A range of beautiful colour desk tops, for those people who love to express themselves.


The Naturalist.

Mid-level desk 25mm desktop MFC wood decors

A range of beautiful wood desk tops, for those people who love natures beauty.


The Smooth Operator.

High-level desk 19mm desktop Perfect sense matt finish

A range of ultra smooth touch desk tops, for those cool cats and smooth criminals out there.


The Perfectionist.

Premium-level desk 6mm solid surface bonded onto 18mm plywood

A range of solid surface and real plywood desk tops, for those who strive for perfection.

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Transforming Workspaces,
Transforming Lives…

From Our Home to Your Office!


Blog By_ James C Scott
Published: 18th April 2024


“In our commitment to redefining workspaces, we not only focus on the desks we create but also the environment in which we craft them. At Act_ive De_sk, our team operates from home, and we want you to understand why this choice is not just about our work culture but also about delivering greater value to you”..

Why Active Desk Staff Works From Home: A Win-Win for You and the Planet.

Cost Savings, Passed On to You:

By working from home, we’ve significantly slashed traditional office overheads. This cost-saving advantage directly translates to more affordable sit-stand desks for you. At Act_ive De_sk, quality doesn’t come with a premium price tag – it comes with a commitment to making our products accessible to everyone.

Focused Expertise in Sit-Stand Desks:

Unlike traditional furniture manufacturers, we specialize exclusively in sit-stand desks. This focused expertise ensures that every desk we produce meets the highest standards of quality and functionality. Your clients can trust that they are investing in a product designed and manufactured by experts in the sit-stand desk niche, guaranteeing superior performance.

Agile, Responsibility, and Always Innovating:

Our lean operation allows for greater agility and quicker response times. No need to navigate through extensive product lines or warehouses – we’re nimble and ready to fulfill orders promptly. You can assure your clients of efficient service and quick delivery, meeting their demands with speed and precision.

A Personal Touch to Every Desk:

The heart of our home is where we create each Act_ive De_sk. It’s not just about crafting furniture; it’s about infusing a personal touch into every sit-stand desk. Your workspace deserves more than mass-produced items – it deserves the attention, care, and dedication that come from a home-based operation.

A Greener Future, One Desk at a Time:

Act_ive De_sk’s work-from-home model is not just about saving costs; it’s about investing in a greener future. Your choice of an Active Desk isn’t just a purchase; it’s a step towards a more sustainable planet. Align your values with a brand that is committed to making a positive impact on the environment.

Environmental Responsibility in Every Desk:

Our work-from-home model is rooted in a deep commitment to environmental responsibility. By avoiding the need for a fixed office space, we minimize our carbon footprint. Every sit-stand desk from Act_ive De_sk is a testament to our dedication to sustainability, making your choice an eco-friendly one.

Competitive Pricing Without Compromise:

Our commitment to quality and affordability is unwavering. By avoiding the overheads of larger operations, we can provide sit-stand desks that match or exceed the quality of more expensive alternatives. Your clients can confidently offer premium sit-stand desks at competitive prices, giving them a distinct advantage in the market.

Call us today to join our dealer program!

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We were surprised by the increased energy levels and productivity!

Increased collaboration by people being on their feet more, and the cost and quality was amazing!

Phil Thompson

I remain amazed that we managed to get one for everyone for the money we paid!

James and his team designed, planned and installed our desks with minimum fuss to the workings of our busy office. The trial desk we were loaned was used by many within the office which then sold itself. The end result was amazing and my entire team have commented favorably on their look, quiet movement and modern look and feel our office now has. I would not hesitate in recommending the product and James as a provider/installer. An easy person and company to do business with that made my life easier.

Derek Knowles
Ops Director

We Had People Suffering With Bad Backs!

Excellent value, great design, speed of installation and immediate positive impact!

Will Lewis


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