
The Expressive.

Entry level desk 25mm desktop MFC colour decors

A range of beautiful colour desk tops, for those people who love to express themselves.


The Naturalist.

Mid-level desk 25mm desktop MFC wood decors

A range of beautiful wood desk tops, for those people who love natures beauty.


The Smooth Operator.

High-level desk 19mm desktop Perfect sense matt finish

A range of ultra smooth touch desk tops, for those cool cats and smooth criminals out there.


The Perfectionist.

Premium-level desk 6mm solid surface bonded onto 18mm plywood

A range of solid surface and real plywood desk tops, for those who strive for perfection.

Contact us


Desk Type: The Smooth Operator

Watson – “Spent half their waking life at work and was unaware how there existing office layout was impacting their productivity and welfare”!

Who Are Watson Manufacturing:

Watson Manufacturing are a family run business since 1967 and leaders in panel product manufacturing for the marketplace Watson are experts in panel sizing, edge banding, CNC – Shape and Drill, CAD and CAM, along with assembly. There operating facility is located on a 3-acre site, alongside the motorway network, and covers 40,000 sq. ft. of office and factory space.

The Problem:

There office was an accumulation of years of adding bits of random worn out furniture in random places where they could just fit. It became a place that had lost its identity, its welcoming appearance and spark!  Although not aware of at the time of our meeting the office was having a negative impact on there productivity, health and happiness. The lighting was dull, the natural light and views where limited and only benefiting a few. The spatial layout was inefficient on staff growth and the furniture items where not supporting there welfare.

The Solution:

Our services included:

  • Building Appraisal: We appraised there existing office space and pointed out all the negative impacts it was  having upon there business performance and staff welfare. We listed the top recommendations that would have the most impact and provided the best cost effective solutions to these.

  • Solution 01/Space planning: We produced space plans that optimized there existing layout, improved natural light and views to employees, improved adjacencies and flow of ideas between teams, improved collaboration, focused work and made room for future growth opportunities

  • Solution 02/Furniture Design & Supply: We designed bespoke furniture items that improved, productivity, health and wellbeing and helped staff feel valued and supported to do there best work. We provided cost effective ‘active furniture’ that instantly improved the productivity, health and happiness.

Bespoke storage solution along with meeting table and sit stand desks.


Side seating for impromptu meetings!

The Feedback Questionnaire: Desks

Desk Name: The Smooth Operator
Desk Colour: Indigo Blue
Desk Type: Single 2000mm
Screens: Bespoke to match desktop

Q01: What was your problem before you bought our Act_ive De_sk?
Some staff wanted to stand, some wanted to sit down. Now this has been solved.

Q02: What results do you get from our Act_ive De_sk?
We have flexibility on sitting/standing. Standing has health benefits such as better circulation and posture.

Q03: What exactly did you like most about Ac_ive De_sk?
Service, Quality, Product, Price.

Q04: Would you recommend our desk to someone who might be on the fence?

Q05: What was your main concern that would have prevented you from buying a sit stand desk, and what put your fears to rest?
I always thought they would be thousands of pounds but the price offers excellent value.

Q06: If you were to recommend Act_ive De_sk to your best friend, what would you say?
Get Act_ive De_sk now!

Q07: What made you choose Act_ive De_sk over anything else you could have done?
Quality of the design and track record of the supplier.

Q08: What are three benefits you’ve experienced as a result of buying our desk?
Improved posture, Less sluggish in the afternoon, better circulation.

Q09: What surprised you the most or made you the happiest about buying our product?
The technology and the quality of the product.

Want to Here How We Can
Uplift Your Business?


Thank you, Active Desk, for revolutionizing our workspace!

Active Desk has truly transformed our office environment! Their electric stand-up desks are not only of exceptional quality but also offered at a competitive price. Since integrating their desks into our workspace, productivity has soared, and our team's well-being has improved significantly. The ease of adjusting heights and the sturdy build make them a perfect fit for any office setting.

Cameron Watson

We Had People Suffering With Bad Backs!

Excellent value, great design, speed of installation and immediate positive impact!

Will Lewis

Looks And Value For Money!

The end result was amazing and my entire team have commented favorably on their look, quiet movement and modern look and feel our office now has. I myself was on the fence, but I wouldn’t hesitate now!

Derek Knowles
Operations Director

We were surprised by the increased energy levels and productivity!

Increased collaboration by people being on their feet more, and the cost and quality was amazing!

Phil Thompson


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